Piccoli Martiri di Gorla

Milano: Commemorazione Piccoli Martiri di Gorla. Monumento ossario realizzato dallo scultore Remo Brioschi in ricordo dei 184 bambini uccisi il 20 ottobre 1944 quando un bombardamento alleato colpì per errore la scuola elementare del quartiere. 17 ott 2014.
Milan: Commemoration of “the little Martyrs of Gorla”. Memorial by the sculptor Remo Brioschi to remember the 184 children killed in October 20, 1944 when an Allied bombing hit by mistake the elementary school in...
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Milan: Commemoration of “the little Martyrs of Gorla”. Memorial by the sculptor Remo Brioschi to remember the 184 children killed in October 20, 1944 when an Allied bombing hit by mistake the elementary school in...
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Filename: Martiri di Gorla_AC03493.jpg
Copyright Almasio Cavicchioni
Date: 17 Oct 2014
Copyright Almasio Cavicchioni
Date: 17 Oct 2014
Commemorazione, ricordo, anniversario, martiri, piccoli martiri di Gorla, guerra, bombardamento, massacro, strage, vittime, bambini, scuola, seconda guerra mondiale, Commemoration, remembrance, anniversary, martyrs, the little martyrs of Gorla, war, bombing, massacre, slaughter, victims, children, school, World War II, monumento, memorial