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16 OTT 2004  Milano:  Lev Chadash, prima sinagoga progressista in Italia,  BARBARA AIELLO, prima donna rabbino in Italia. Cerimonia di imposizione del nome. OCT 16 2003 Milan:Lev Chadash is the first established and the biggest progressive synagogue in Italy. It belongs to the Union of Progressive Judaism. Rav BARBARA AIELLO first woman Rabbi in Italy.Ceremony of giving the name.
16 OTT 2004 Milano: Lev Chadash, prima sinagoga progressista in Italia, BARBARA AIELLO, prima donna rabbino in Italia. Cerimonia di imposizione del nome. OCT 16 2003 Milan:Lev Chadash is the first established and the biggest progressive synagogue in Italy. It belongs to the Union of Progressive Judaism. Rav BARBARA AIELLO first woman Rabbi in Italy.Ceremony of giving the name.
Filename: Sinag3114.jpg
Date: 11 Feb 2010