Santa Maria di Cerrate

Lecce, Abbazia Santa Maria di Cerrate, importante esempio di Romanico pugliese restaurato con l'intervento del FAI. Particolare dei capitelli.
Lecce, Abbey of Santa Maria Cerrate, important example of Apulian Romanesque restored with the intervention of the FAI (Italian Fund for the Environment). Detail of the capitals.
Lecce, Abbey of Santa Maria Cerrate, important example of Apulian Romanesque restored with the intervention of the FAI (Italian Fund for the Environment). Detail of the capitals.
Filename: Salento_2015_008.jpg
Copyright Almasio Cavicchioni
Date: 5 Sep 2015
Copyright Almasio Cavicchioni
Date: 5 Sep 2015
Italia, Puglia, Salento, arte, cultura, beni culturali, beni artistici, FAI, Fondo Ambiente Italiano, abbazia, religione, architettura, romanico, romanico pugliese, sito storico, Italy, Apulia, art, culture, cultural heritage, artistic site, FAI, the Italian Environmental Fund, abbey, religion, architecture, Romanesque, Apulian Romanesque, historical site