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SEP 20 2008 MILAN  Demonstration for the murder of a young Italian of African origin. Abdul Salam Guibre ABBA, 19, originally from Burkina Faso accused of stealing a packet of biscuits from a snack bar near Milan railway station, was beaten to death by the shopkeeper and his son Fausto e Daniele Cristofoli, igniting a debate about whether the attack was motivated by racism..20 SET 2008 MILANO.  Manifestazione per l'uccisione di un giovane  italiano di origine africana, Abdul Salam Guibre, ABBA, di 19 anni, originario del Burkina Faso accusato di aver rubato un pacchetto di biscotti da un bar nelle vicinanze della stazione centrale di Milano, e' stato picchiato a morte dal proprietario del locale e dal figlio, Fausto e Daniele Cristofoli..
SEP 20 2008 MILAN Demonstration for the murder of a young Italian of African origin. Abdul Salam Guibre ABBA, 19, originally from Burkina Faso accused of stealing a packet of biscuits from a snack bar near Milan railway station, was beaten to death by the shopkeeper and his son Fausto e Daniele Cristofoli, igniting a debate about whether the attack was motivated by racism..20 SET 2008 MILANO. Manifestazione per l'uccisione di un giovane italiano di origine africana, Abdul Salam Guibre,...
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Filename: ABBA_1776.jpg
Date: 20 Sep 2008