
Preparazione cartelli per la manifestazione a Roma contro l'emendamento di Carlo Casini (deputato DC), alla legge sulla violenza sessuale, perché sia mantenuto “delitto contro la persona non contro la morale”, 5 Feb 1983.
Women preparing placards for the demonstration in Rome against the amendment by Carlo Casini (deputy DC) concerning the law on sexual violence that should be a “crime against the person not against morality", Feb 5, 1983
Women preparing placards for the demonstration in Rome against the amendment by Carlo Casini (deputy DC) concerning the law on sexual violence that should be a “crime against the person not against morality", Feb 5, 1983
Filename: AC_Femminismo_014.jpg
Copyright Almasio Cavicchioni
Date: 18 Feb 2014
Copyright Almasio Cavicchioni
Date: 18 Feb 2014
femminismo, movimento femminista, lotte, donne, donna, manifestazione, violenza sessuale, donna uguale persona, foto storica, anni 80, BN, BW, Italia, feminism, feminist movement, women’s movement, women, demonstration, sexual violence, law on sexual violence, historical photo, eighties, BN, BW, Italy