Lega Nord

Milano: Casa Pound manifesta con la Lega Nord contro l'immigrazione clandestina, l'invasione da parte degli extracomunitari e le moschee", "Stop invasione".
18 Ott 2014.
Milan: Casa Pound, right wing movement, demonstrates with the Northern League against illegal immigration, invasion by non-EU immigrants and mosques, "Stop invasion." Oct 18, 2014
18 Ott 2014.
Milan: Casa Pound, right wing movement, demonstrates with the Northern League against illegal immigration, invasion by non-EU immigrants and mosques, "Stop invasion." Oct 18, 2014
Filename: Casa Pound__AC03724b.jpg
Copyright Almasio Cavicchioni
Date: 18 Oct 2014
Copyright Almasio Cavicchioni
Date: 18 Oct 2014
lega nord, destra, xenofobia, manifestazione, protesta, padania, padani, razzismo, autonomia, northern league, autonomy, racism, right, xenophobia, protest, autonomy, immigrati clandestini, illegal immigrants, Italy, Milan, Casa Pound, Casapound, fascismo, fascism, fascisti, fascists, Milan, Italy, capelli, punk, hair style, haircut