Classe operaia

14 Ott 1992, Milano, sciopero generale. Gli operai lanciano bulloni al segretario della CISL Sergio D'Antoni durante il comizio in piazza Duomo
October 14, 1992, Milan, general strike. The workers throw bolts to the CISL Secretary Sergio D'Antoni during the meeting in Piazza Duomo
October 14, 1992, Milan, general strike. The workers throw bolts to the CISL Secretary Sergio D'Antoni during the meeting in Piazza Duomo
Filename: SciopOtt92-014.jpg
Copyright Almasio Cavicchioni
Date: 28 Jul 2013
Copyright Almasio Cavicchioni
Date: 28 Jul 2013
Sergio D'Antoni, sindacalista, sindacato, manifestazione, protesta, sciopero, lotta, operaio, operai, classe operaia, lavoratore, lavoratori, metalmeccanico, metalmeccanici, worker, workers, working class, metalworker, metalworkers, demonstration, protest, strike, struggle, lotte operaie, workers’ struggles, lavoro, labour, trade unionist, trade union