Classe operaia

1993, Protesta dei lavoratori della Lancia di Chivasso contro la chiusura della fabbrica
1993 Protest of the workers of Lancia of Chivasso against the closure of the factory
1993 Protest of the workers of Lancia of Chivasso against the closure of the factory
Filename: Lancia-81b.jpg
Copyright Almasio Cavicchioni
Date: 20 Jan 2014
Copyright Almasio Cavicchioni
Date: 20 Jan 2014
Lancia, Chivasso, manifestazione, protesta, sciopero, lotta, operaio, operai, classe operaia, lavoratore, lavoratori, metalmeccanico, metalmeccanici, worker, workers, working class, metalworker, metalworkers, demonstration, protest, strike, struggle, lotte operaie, workers’ struggles, lavoro, labour